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This is a book of stories. Part autobiography, part memoir, the book is intended also, and perhaps most importantly, to be a primer of sorts for those interested in leadership. Lieutenant General (Retired) Lawson Magruder shares the lessons and insights he acquired as the son of a soldier, and during a successful career as an Army combat leader, and later as the co-founder of True Growth, a successful and valued leadership development practice. Readers will find a rich menu of life lessons, many professional, but some personal as well, the product of a long and happy marriage to the "tail of his kite", Gloria. As you read the stories in this book you will find personal triumphs, and at times personal failures. Candor and frankness, as well as humility, and a willingness to admit shortcomings show how values are developed or sometimes discovered. From time to time, the stories will include a summary of life-changing leadership lessons and events that were significant crucibles and emotional experiences. In other cases, insights, personal and professional, are there to be uncovered or discovered by the reader. At times the narrative is serious and sober, but also often humorous and lighthearted. “A Soldier’s Journey Living His Why” is an inspiring summary of life’s lessons in leadership. Lawson is as authentic and real in sharing these experiences in life, some very difficult and sensitive, to others that must have left him feeling very vulnerable, to ensure that we all can learn from and feel the events as he has. You will want to read it all, to grow and develop as a leader.